Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ferment, Rack, Age

So, a few things have happened since last I posted - I'm lazy, I guess that's why I've never blogged before.

It's been about a week since I brewed the first batch of beer. Since that time the beer has gone through the primary fermenting stage, then it was racked into a carboy where it now sits going through the aging process. I racked the beer on day 4 when it had a gravity of 1.021 - which seemed about right - it could have used a few more days fermenting, but I was impatient.

I also "dry hopped" the beer with about 1.5 ounces of Cascade hop plugs. Having nothing to base this on, I know fear my beer may turn out too sweet with a low alcohol level. But, never fear, I've received supplies to make two more batches in the coming weeks to build upon what I've learnt. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Home Brew #1 - Stage 1, Brewing

Home Brew #1 (2-24-2007)
Originally uploaded by krisswanson2.
Home Brew #1 - Brewing Stage:
  • 3 gallons Brooklyn tap water, boiled
  • 6.6 lbs Munton's Light Malt Extract, plain
  • 3 Tbs Fuggles pellets (60 mins)
  • .5 Tbs Fuggles pellets (15 mins)
  • 2 Tbs Fuggles & 1 Tbs Cascade pellets (5 mins)
  • 2 gallons Poland Springs water, frozen
  • 1 package ale yeast (Munton's)
This took about 4 hours - mainly cleaning and waiting for the water to boil (that takes forever). Also, something I will take into consideration next time - cooling the wort (that's what the brewing makes, pronounced "wert") with 2 gallons of ice & water doesn't work fast enough. Next time I'll try to cool the wort externally by filling the sink with cold water repeatedly until I get the wort down to 60 degrees. I'll let you know how that goes.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Relax. Don't Worry. Have a Home Brew.

So, I've decided to try a new hobby - home brewing - at the same time I figured I'd do something I'm surprised I don't do already - blogging. Ever since I moved to NYC about a year ago, I've been drinking more and more complex craft beers. Ever the curious one I started looking into hops and the creation of malt - all fascinating stuff...thousands of years in the making.

Home brewing
is quite new to America thanks to an apparent screw-up on the government that made it illegal until the mid 1970s - longer than prohibition. Even more amusing (and I think I remember reading about this in college) is that there's no longer an alcolhol limit to beer - meaning craft brewers can pretty much do what they want to their beers (case in point - the 40 proof Sam Adams.) Amazing how much of an expert I am without having done any research? I've really taken a liking to IPAs, so my initial goal will be to create a hoppy IPA that is drinkable. Today I started with my first home brew, which I think is a simple ale...I'll find out in 3 weeks - at which time I'll publish my home brew #1 recipe and stats, and this blog will serve as my home brew journal over the coming brews.